Welcome to GTF Training

GTF Training’s goal is based on implementing an integrated communicative approach to French and English language learning at all levels.
Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing are the core skills to be developed in every individual, in order for them to acquire fluency and accuracy in both the spoken and written language.
Each unit is divided into themes and activities, ensuring the learner attains communicative proficiency in both language and culture awareness.


An extensive collection of resources for learners will benefit the student greatly in improving the target language.

The following themes covered are:

    * Meeting and getting to know people and maintaining social relations.
    * Making plans and discussing future action
    * Seeking and giving information about climate and weather
    * Coping with travel and transport
    * Buying goods and services
    * Dealing with emergencies
    * Facilitating, encouraging or impeding a course of action
    * Understanding, expressing feelings and attitudes
    * Managing a conversation
    * Engaging in discussion
    * Passing on messages

Each theme has set against it performance targets and linguistic skills, with an emphasis on structures and grammar. This promotes a communicative approach to language learning.

Above all …. Enjoy your studies!

Web Address: www.gtftraining.com
Le mél: grainne@gtftraining.com